Install Guide

installation guide

  1. Upload the all the files that you extracted from the .zip or .tar file to your website's root directory.
  2. Rename the folder. The example will use "/livehelp/". To rename a folder in most FTP programs, you:
  3. Change the CHMOD permission of the file "config.php" to 777. NOTE: If you are planning to install a a text based database instead of MYSQL, you will also need to change the permissions of the directory "txt-database" to 777. To change CHMOD permissions:
  4. Open up your favorite browser (like Internet Explorer), and run "setup.php".
  5. You have now entered the automatic installer of Crafty Syntax Live Help. Choose your language, and Installation Option. If this is a new installation, choose "NEW INSTLLATION":
  6. Input the name of your live help service. The example will use "My Online Live Help":

  7. Input the path to your HTTP live help program (do not use a trailing slash). OPTIONAL: Insert your secure (https) path to your live help program:

  8. Input an Administrator username and password:

  9. Input an administrator email address, which will be used to send lost password requests:

  10. Input the full path to the live help program. This is not a URL! Normally it is "/var/www/html/livehelp", but it may change between web hosts. Contact your web host if you need assistance:

  11. Input your opening message:

  12. Choose what type of database you plan to use. If you choose MySQL, go to the next step. If you choose text files, skip the next step.

  13. Input your MySQL information. Please skip step #14. If you need assistance, please contact your web host:

  14. If you are using a text database, please enter the full path to the "txt-database" directory:

  15. Click "INSTALL":

    Congratulations, you are now done installing Crafty Syntax Live Help! Please be sure to register your copy of Live Help. Also, donations are greatly appreciated. Make sure the the file "setup.php" is deleted before trying to login for the first time. IMPORTANT: After the setup is finished change the permissions of "config.php" to either "755" or "400".